Gloom 3 - Zombie Edition By Gareth Murfin Installing Gloom 3 - Zombie Edition Since this game is a CD only title it obviously means you need a CD-ROM drive and a Harddrive. The CD drive doesn't have to be a highspeed one for the game to function properly although for the Introduction to work smoothly a fast CD drive would be nice. To install simply boot workbench and click on the Installer Icon in the Gloom3 CD Directory. This will then ask you for a pathway in which it can make Gloom 3 save games and the configurations files. You will only need about 5k of room on your HD so it doesn't really matter where you select as long as there is 5k free, make sure that the path you give is a safe directory because if these files are deleted Gloom will not work and you may have to re-install. Once it has done this it will then ask you if it can add an assign to your User-Startup sequence so that Gloom 3 knows where the config and savegame files are. You must select yes here or Gloom will not work! Once installed you need never install Gloom again just boot your Workbench with the CD in the drive and then click on the 'Gloom_3' icon in the Gloom directory on the CD and play... Gloom 3 requirements Gloom 3 - Zombie Edition (Ze) should work on any 020 Amiga with 2 Meg RAM. This means that it will work on any A1200 or A4000 machines and any A500/A600 machines with 2Meg RAM or more and a 68020 processor or better. These however are the minimum requirements and to play Gloom faster or full screen or at large pixel sizes you will need a better Amiga than mentioned above. The game is fully configurable to adjust to the speed of your Amiga. For instance you can make the screen any size and the pixels can be 1*1 (best), 2*2 or 4*4 (worst). it is also possible to switch off the floor and ceiling. This means that on a good Amiga (040+) you can play full screen, 1*1 with full floor and ceiling, and on a worse Amiga (020) you can play small screen, 4*4 with no roof or ceiling. Some players decide to make everything good quality and then play in a smaller screen, after a while you forget its not full screen and the game is good quality and fast! Introduction It has only been three weeks since you returned from your previous mission, ostensibly gaining information to pass onto the Council of the New World Order. The reality would live with you for years to come being re-ignited each night in your dreams, but you had a feeling that once the Council had received your report they would suddenly decide that there were missions for one who had survived the obsessive cultists and their servants. Ordinarily there was a break of about six months between each mission, time to recover and recuperate but now you find yourself standing outside the same door that you stood in front of just a few weeks ago, you hope the circumstances of your subsequent mission will be considerably less dangerous...though secretly you know that they won't be. Once inside you see the seven old men dressed in grey and hidden in the cavernous expanses of their own dark thrones, one of the men presses a single button and the spotlight falls onto you and they begin speaking. "We are pleased that you successfully completed your mission" one remarked. "As was I" you reply "It is...unfortunate that we must recall you to our service so quickly, but a problem has appeared and it must be solved with the utmost alacrity and we know of only one man who can act with such" the sentence ended and there was complete silence, then a different man spoke from just to your right hand side. "Do you accept?" The question is irrelevant as it would mean certain death if you did refuse, so you choose life, this time at least. "Yes, I accept. What is the mission?" "As you are no doubt aware we have several planets in the Beta Quadrant set aside for military testing and research on weapons, chemicals and the like." "Indeed" you reply interested suddenly despite yourself, there are many rumours about the Beta Quadrant and few facts. "You must go to the planet Splinn and investigate a situation that has developed there" "A situation?" "A number of subjects at the plant were accidentally exposed to a form of biological anti- personnel weapon that we were developing to aid our efforts against our enemies on the outer ring of the empire. This biological substance causes a process of transformation over time resulting in the death and subsequent reanimation of mammalian tissue. In short it kills, as it was supposed to, but then restores the dead to life...after a fashion. These creatures crave living human flesh and many of them lose the ability to recall any of their human skills within days of their death. Initially this would not have been a problem, the security forces on the planet captured them and the scientists began their experiments anew on these zombified corpses." "So why do you need me?" you interrupt with growing trepidation. "We believe that the enemy from the outer planets some how sabotaged the containment fields and compromised the security measures, exposing all in the base to the biological agent. It is your mission to enter the base, eliminate all non human life forms that you encounter and secure all 50 decks, once this has been accomplished you must leave a tactical thermo-nuclear device in the deepest level where the reactors are located and then after you are aboard a ship detonate the device from orbit. This will make sure that there is no chance of the infection moving to colonies in nearby systems. We will see you in one week after the completion of your mission, good luck." With that the light shuts off and the door opens behind you, you never saw their faces and so you don't know if they think you will return but you vow you will..... For the Full 'talkie' version of this intro see the CD-ROM. Playing Gloom With your trusty plasma cannon you or you and a friend must battle your way through 7 huge stages each containing 7 levels packed full of hordes flesh eating zombies. Each level has an exit which you must get to in order to proceed to the next. If you can get to the exit without killing all the zombies then good luck to you, but most of the time you will only make it to the exit by blasting the undead to pieces! Throughout the game various gun and health powerups are there for your collection and of course other powerups which will assist you in your mission. You are granted 3 lives with which to complete Gloom with, if you lose these lives then you are dead and you must start from the beginning of the stage reached. Setup To set Gloom up for your particular setup you must click on the 'Setup' icon before playing Gloom. Here is a list of options and what they mean :- 'How to play?' - This decides how Gloom will be played on your Amiga, select one of the following :- Gloom 3 Ze Dc - Don't attempt this mode as it will crash your Amiga, this may be updated via a patch from the Official Gloom 3 website soon! (The URL is at the end of the manual) Gloom 3 - Ze - This is the option most users should select. It will let you run Gloom 3 Ze at a fast, colourful resolution and at full screen too! Unless you have a Graphics card then this is the best option for you! Gloom 3 on Screen - This lets you decide what screenmode you would like to play Gloom in. This mode is slow and useless without a graphics card or very fast Amiga! Click on it and then the 'select screenmode' button is unghosted. Now click on this and select what screen mode you would like. The screen modes are only limited by what monitors you have in your devs/dosdrivers drawer. This means it should play ok on VGA and SVGA monitors if you have them setup. This option will also leave the OS running to a degree. Gloom 3 in window - Providing you have your WB in 256 colours and enough free Chip ram (Graphics cards on stand-by) this option allows you to play Gloom in a window. Although don't be disappointed because it has been known not to work on even A4000's with 2 meg Gfx cards. Gloom 3 - iGlasses! - If you are partially insane and purchased the iGlasses for huge wads of cash then this mode is for you! This allows you to play 3d Gloom in all its glory. Clicking on this option will unghost the 'Enable tracking?' button. Clicking on this button enables head tracking meaning that you can look in one direction and fire in another! 'Other Settings' - This strangely allows you to setup other things about Gloom 3, the options are as follows :- Select Modem Type - This lets you select the make and speed of your modem for playing against another player via a direct link. Find your modem and select 'ok'. For players whose modem isn't there I suggest using the Hayes or Generic modems. The Hayes Optima 14.4 seems to work fine on all Hayes compatible modems. Select Screenmode - This option is only available if you are playing 'Gloom on Screen'. If you are doing this then I suggest you look at the 'Gloom on Screen' options above. Select CPU present - This option is essential if you have a processor other than the standard 68020 which comes in the A1200. Select the name of your processor and the correct c2p routine will be used to take advantage of your CPU. There are options for 020/030/040/060/ and Akiko. If there are more than one then you can try both and see which one performs the best on your system. The Akiko c2p routine requires an Akiko chip, like the one inside a CD32. IMPORTANT: The routine 'Default-Ze_1' is marginally slower than the rest but is designed to work on all Amiga's. If you experience any strange crashes during the game then I suggest you use this routine instead of the one optimised for your CPU. If in doubt use this c2p routine. Close WB - This option will close Workbench whilst playing Gloom. Anyone without a Graphics card should select this option because otherwise Gloom may not have the Chip Ram it requires. Enable Tracking - To do this you need the iGlasses. If you have these then I suggest you look at the 'Gloom 3 - iGlasses' option above. There! Those are the options available and the little window below will give you details of each option as you select it. To save these options click 'Thats Good', or to cancel them click 'Forget It!!'. Controls Gloom on the keyboard Forward Press 'up arrow' key Backward Press 'down arrow' key Rotate Left Press 'left arrow' key Rotate Right Press 'right arrow' key Sidestep Left Hold 'Alt' key down and press 'left arrow' key Sidestep Right Hold 'Alt' key down and press 'right arrow' key Fire Plasma Gun Press 'Amiga' key Gloom a joystick/standard joypad Forward Push joystick up Backward Push joystick back Rotate Left Push joystick left Rotate Right Push Joystick right Sidestep Left Hold down button 2 and push joystick left Sidestep Right Hold down button 2 and push joystick right Fire Plasma Gun Push joystick button one Gloom on a CD32 joypad - recommended Forward Push joypad up Backward Push joypad down Rotate Left Push joypad left Rotate Right Push joypad right Sidestep Left Push top left button of joypad Sidestep Right Push top right button of joypad Fire Plasma Gun Push red joypad button The Game Menu Once Gloom has loaded push return or a joystick button to bring up the game menu. Here are the options you will be presented with :- One Player game - Begin a one player game of Gloom 3 Two Player Game - Begin a two player game of Gloom 3. This option allows the players to play together and share lives, they cannot hurt each other. Two Player Combat - Begin a two player combat game of Gloom 3. This option puts you and the second player in a random arena with a handful of weapons and a few hungry zombies. The aim is to kill the other player before they kill you! Player 1 - This changes the control method for player one. Player 2 - This changes the control method for player two. Remote Link Options - This allows you to play Gloom 3 with a friend and another Amiga, also see 'Gloom for two'. Blood Options! - Lets you select whether or not the pieces of blasted off zombie stay on the floor or not! 'Nasty' mode will make the disembodied parts of the zombies disappear once they hit the ground, whereas 'Dirty' mode will cause the bits to bounce off the walls and remain on the floor. (Dirty mode might slow things down a bit) About - brings up a screen of Gloom 3 Ze credits Back To WB - Will quit Gloom and return you to Workbench (Useless on normal CD32) The Ingame menu Whilst playing Gloom pressing the 'ESC' key, or the CD32 'Play/Pause' button will pause the game and bring up the ingame menu. These options allow you to customise various aspects of the display - useful for those with slower (standard) Amigas, as many if these options affect how smoothly Gloom runs. Continue - Returns you to the game Pixel Width - Changes the width of the pixels, the wider they are the worse they look and the faster they are. Pixel Height - Changes the height of the pixels, the higher they are the worse they look and the faster they are. Window size - Increases the size of the window to play Gloom 3 in. Full Screen Window - Wow!! This option makes Gloom 3 full screen! On slow Amiga's its unplayable at this size but on 040/060 this will really enhance your Gloom 3 experience! Floor - This will disable the floor graphics to increase the speed of Gloom 3. Ceiling - This will disable the ceiling graphics to increase the speed of Gloom 3. Quit Game - Strangely this option quits Gloom 3 and returns you to the title page. Your Plasma Gun This trusty old gun can be boosted beyond belief. It is capable of five degree's of fire power, and can be boosted by collecting weapon powerups. Fire Ball (Red) - Feeble weak blaster upgrade which will require many hits to kill even the weakest of zombies because their moist, decaying bodies are quite resistant to flames. It is small and has a very little surface area. Laser Ball (Green) - Average upgrade which will inflict large amounts of damage to most zombies. It has good surface area meaning it will rip through limbs of zombies quite well. Super Laser Ball (Bright Green) - Larger more powerful version of the laser Ball upgrade. This weapon can kill some zombies in one hit and its surface area means it will rip the zombies to shreds with very few blasts. Lighting Bolt (Blue) - This electrified ball of power will send a large voltage rocketing through the zombies body usually causing them to jolt backwards. Its huge surface area and high power mean that it can destroy even tough zombies within a few blasts. Super Lightning Bolt (Bright Blue) - This huge, steaming ball of power tears its way through zombies as if they were tissue paper! Its massive amount of current and gigantic surface area means that it can wipe out entire rooms full of zombies in seconds! It is designed to transmit electricity through the remaining bodily fluids of the zombie so its impact is spread out over the entire body. Collecting a weapon powerup of the same type as you are using will increase the firing rate of your Plasma gun. Once the maximum firing rate is reached then the Plasma Guns special Buffer cartridge will store the extra power and release it as double strength blasts and even double or triple shots simultaneously. Once the buffer cartridge is full you will reach 'Ultra Power' level and be capable of mass destruction not unlike that of typical Earth Atomic Weapons! Luckily this power is focused on the enemy and if you try firing at anything else the blasts will quickly disintegrate so as not to kill the user. You are also equipped with a special suit of armour with built in gas mask and blood purifier. The reason for this is that the entire complex is filled with a lethal gas which will transform a human into a zombie in seconds. The blood purifier keeps your blood clean because if the zombies do manage to get through your tough armour and graze your skin you will be infected. This infection, if left untreated would almost definitely turn you into a zombie within a few hours. Gloom for two! It is possible to play Gloom 3 with a friend over a null modem cable or over the modem - just setup your modem in the 'SetUp' utility and then select 'remote link options' from the Game menu. Player controls should be setup before this, as only the 'host' of the linkup game will have control of the game options once both Amigas have linked. Also, both Amigas must have the Gloom title up before attempting to link-up. To start a null modem game, both players should select 'null link' from the 'remote link option' menu. To start a modem game, one player should select 'dial up', while the other should select 'answer'. The zombies lurking within Here is a brief description of some of the zombies you are likely to meet in your quest for glory. Citizen Zombie You will meet these zombies in the early stages of the game, they were previously citizens of the planet splinn who lived peacefully in the village of Cramlington unaware of the hideous testing which was taking place 50 miles beneath them in the Beta Quadrant Science labs B. One day they were acidently exposed to a form of biological anti-personnel weapon which takes the form of a green gas . This gas seeped through the paved streets of Cramlington and quickly contaminated the entire populous because it was breathed in and allowed to enter the blood stream. The scientists who allowed this huge blunder to happen decided to cover up their mistake by rounding the zombies up and storing them in the underground storage units. They then planned to blow up the village of Cramlington in a 'freak accident' which was unfortunately unstoppable. However when the enemy from the outer planets sabotaged the containment fields these living dead were freed from their storage fields and now roam the storage units searching for warm human flesh. They are very persistent and hard to kill but luckily had never wielded weapons in their previous life so have no skills with such things. Instead they will give in to their primitive instincts and use their teeth and hands to rip bite size chunks form your body. Floating X zombie Amongst the thousands of citizen zombies rounded up from Cramlington many of these strange floating disembodied head zombies were discovered. The scientists had no evidence for why this horrific transformation had occurred and what they previously were, so they named them 'species X' because they didn't know what else to call them. Some scientists carried out individual tests on the X zombies and found that they were more intelligent than the other types and possessed a self taught skill which enabled them to 'suck' their victims towards them using a green substance which is presumed to be their blood with excessive amounts of haemoglobin. This zombie is very hard to kill purely because of its tough skin and high intelligence. Zombie Spirit This twisted soul was brought back from the dead from the Cramlington graveyard when the green gas resurrected the soul of every person in the vast burial site. He possesses an unexplained ability which enables him to throw poisonous balls of gas. His ghostly state means that he can travel through physical objects. Do not be taken in by his cries for help because although in his mind he is good, the zombie instinct which he possesses will not rest until you are dead. Zombie Scientist The zombie scientist is a tough foe, his anger and aggression make him difficult to kill or run from. These strong emotions were caused by the immense fear that he will become the next guinea pig for the disgusting tests which all curious scientists think of. The scientist is still dressed in his lab clothes and has a craving for brains rather than human flesh. His arrival is heralded by an unearthly cry of 'Brains!!'. These scientists still retain some of their vast knowledge and therefore still have the sense to hide and wait for you to walk past, this means that the scientists is a very tricky zombie which you should beware! Zombie Guard These horrific creatures used to be hired to protect the entire complex from unwanted visitors. Because of this the zombie guards can be found quite often anywhere within the 50 decks. Their knowledge of using guns is still intact and therefore they can shoot you from a long distance using their flame thrower. Although flames do not have a large effect on zombies they do on you! The zombie guards have light blue, metal armour which surprisingly does very little to protect them. The reason for this is that the metal armour has not allowed their putrid flesh to 'breath' and has instead increased the rate of decay. Punk Zombie These zombies can be found in the underground tunnels. The reason for this is that they used to hang around here before they became zombies, they used the tunnels which link the labs together as a hideout for their illegal activities. Their drug taking and graffiti was known about by the guards who frequently patrolled the tunnels looking for them. Although the labyrinth of tunnels provided vast caverns for them to hide in. Once the chemical was leaked and got into the ventilation system these tunnels were flooded with the gas which promptly turned all the punks into the living dead. These punks are tough and quite resistant to ordinary guns, although a few blasts from a Laser Ball should be enough to rip through their tough skin. Their hyper activity is still present from their 'rebel punk' days so watch out for them sneaking up on you and grabbing you. Mutant Guard Zombie This horrific creature of death was formed when an ordinary zombie guard walked into one of the X-Ray chambers. The X-rays combined with the gas to produce unexplainable effect on the undead and had the result of creating a much larger and tougher zombie. This zombie is very slow and dense due to the fact that he was exposed to uncontrolled amounts of X-Rays aswell as the green gas which has the ability to kill and then revive humans! Various limbs were weakened and blasted off in the transformation although somehow this creature can now fire bolts of energy and withstand huge amounts of fire power. His twisted cries of anguish and pain can be heard all around the complex once he sees a human who he thinks can help him. But beware his senses have also been heighten and he will normally attack anything which he suspects is of danger to him. Officer Zombie This poor soul used to be an officer brought down to the planet splinn to fight against the enemy. When the gas was leaked into the living quarters of these officers they were quickly transformed into vicious zombies with the ability to throw laser balls. In their last days before they were transformed into zombies they were developing a strategy to escape from the complex. They planned this by drawing maps of the vents chambers which they planned to escape in. They also produced graphs to work out the percentage of civilians who had been infected by the contagious disease. Whilst these plans were going on hundreds of zombies were gathering outside the entrance to the living quarters. Enough of them managed to push the doors open and the base was over run with the undead. In their dieing moments many of the officers managed to scrape warnings on the walls with their own blood to warn people not to enter that area. Unfortunately there was no one to warn because they were the last survivors... Commando Zombie These zombies are very tough, their knowledge of guns and weapons means that they can fire 5 different types of bolts at you simultaneously! They seem to have retained their accuracy also because they can fire bolts from over 100 foot away and still hit you with pin point accuracy. Because of this the commando zombie is the toughest of the lot and can be found in the later levels such as the large indoor car parks. They pride themselves on always winning and so will try anyway they can to kill you, even if it involves following you for miles through the labyrinth of tunnels in the car parks. A few blasts from your plasma gun with the lightning bolt upgrade isn't enough to kill them, you'll have to keep hiding around corners and rapid firing to kill these nightmarish enemies. Final Boss Zombie There is little known about this fabled zombie other than it has been exposed to all of the chemicals in the science labs during horrific tests. Its vast sized enabled it to easily break free from the chains which bound it and escape from the labs. It is rumoured that this zombie has a considerably higher IQ than the others and is hiding somewhere near the shopping Mall. Its blood curdling screams have been heard coming from the Gallery on the 50th deck where the reactors are stored.... The Stages The Underground storage units These are big and dark, and full of citizen zombies. The zombies are spread out quite well and there is enough plasm gun powerups for you to battle your way through quite easily. However don't under estimate how hungry these zombies are.... The Science Labs This was the original testing grounds for the zombies, the chemicals contained within here are mostly responsible for the tougher zombies hiding in the later levels of the game. These once safe labs are now crawling with ex-scientists who have an unsatisfiable urge to eat human flesh.... The Underground Tunnels These tunnels were used by the staff of the Labs to link parts of the complex together. However many 'rebel punks' used to use them as a place to hang out and plan crimes and take drugs. The punks are now stumbling round the tunnels which various limbs missing looking for their next feast of warm human flesh... The Living Quarters This is where the Officers and scientists used to live, now over run by zombies there is no safe havens within here. In fact there are hundreds of zombies searching for their next meal.... The Civilian Car park This indoor multi storey car park was where the citizens of Cramlington used to store their cars. The building is vast and very dark. Lurking in the shadows are many of the commando zombies who were originally assigned to wipe out the infection.... The Mall This indoor shopping complex was an important place for all the people on planet Splinn. It was the only place where they could buy their food and luxuries. It is now deserted of human life and the corridors are blood stained, all the shops were left opened, shop window displays still rotate and TV's still display flickery pictures which were once public broadcasts. Hundreds of citizens zombies can be found in here staring with dulled fascination at department store dummies and trying to eat perfume bottles... The Military Base This is the military base setup to fight off the enemy's in outer space. Now over run by zombies the base is a potential time bomb because all the zombies wield guns and every store room is full of highly explosive dynamite................ The Gallery This is the final stage of the game, it is rumoured that a zombie of enormous power lurks within here and you have been told by the council of the new world order that this is also where you will find the reactors which you must destroy in order to fulfil your mission.... New Engine? Gloom 3 Ze uses basically the same engine as Deluxe used, however enhanced c2p routines have enabled us to get Gloom 3 Ze running much faster than previous Glooms, this extra speed enabled us to use double the amount of colours which were used in Gloom deluxe. Below is a table of results comparing the old Gloom c2p routines against the new. All times measured in Microseconds using Timec2p. The setups of each Amiga vary greatly which means that these results may not be 100% accurate in all cases because of various differences in preferences such as screenmodes and additional patches. Cpu Time took for Gloom 3 Time took for Gloom Deluxe % speed increase 020 20160 25494 26% 030 17511 20112 14% 040 11580 18543 60% 060 16612 17223 3% As you can see there is a considerable speed increase with most CPU's, however dont let this table mislead you, for example - although on the 060 Gloom 3 only has a 3% speed increase over Gloom Deluxe it will still play fastest on an 060. IMPORTANT: The routine 'Default-Ze_1' is marginally slower than the rest but is designed to work on all Amiga's. If you experience any strange crashes during the game then I suggest you use this routine instead of the one optimised for your CPU. If in doubt use this c2p routine. Trouble Shooting Although Gloom 3 is mostly bug free (honest!) you may encounter troubles from time to time. Normally they are to do with your Amiga setup in general. Here are a few common problems and how to solve them. Problem: When I try to play Gloom 3 loads of horrific colours pop up on my screen and it looks like a Jackson Pollock! Solution: Well this is usually related to how much free Chip Ram you have. Once this has happened it will usually stay resident in the Amigas memory. To solve this problem make sure in 'setup' you have clicked on 'Close WB' and also make sure you have selected the right CPU in 'CPU present'. Then reboot your Amiga and regain some chip ram by getting rid of the Workbench backdrops or reducing your Screenmode to 4 colours. To do this goto your Workbench directory and open 'Prefs'. Then change the screenmode using the aptly named 'Screenmode' icon and click on 'WBpattern' to get rid of any backdrops you might have. There is no need to save these prefs, just click on 'Use'. Do not attempt to 'boot without startup' because Gloom 3 will not work without its assigns being setup from the user-startup. Problem: Gloom goes funny colours on the title screen and reboots my Amiga! Solution: This means Gloom has not found the desired files it needs. Make sure the Gloom 3 assigns which were made during the installation procedure are still in your user-startup. Also make sure that the files 'c' and 'sg' are in the Gloom3: assign. If they are not get them from the CD root directory and copy them across, once you have done this you must use 'Setup' to configure Gloom 3 again. Problem: Gloom says 'Please insert Gloom Data Disk'!!! Solution: See above.. Problem: After running the excellent Gloom 3 introduction the screen goes black and workbench never returns! Solution: This is a rare crash so don't let it put you off running the introduction, unfortunately you will have to reboot your Amiga now. Problem: In two player my game keeps crashing in and between levels!! Its so annoying! Solution: This is usually caused by the c2p routine you are using not being compatible with your machine. Try going to 'SetUp' and selecting the 'Deafult-Ze_1' c2p routine in the 'CPU present' section. This routine is designed to work on all Amiga's. This can also be caused by players rapidly pushing fire buttons whilst the game is loading, to avoid crashes dont do this, and make sure 'autofire' is turned off too. Problem: I can't see how much heath I have or what guns I have!? Help!! Solution: You are probably running in NTSC which stretches the screen and cuts off the display at the bottom of the screen. To solve this switch your wb to PAL or select a PAL screen mode in the 'SetUP' option which says 'Play Gloom on a screen'. Credits Gloom 3 could not have been made possible if it wasn't for all those people who helped and supported it. Here is a full cast list of the people who deserve credit. Gloom 3 By Gareth Murfin Leading artist and concept manager - James Caygill Additional Art - Jason Jordache Utilities creator and additional software designer - Dave Newton Voice actors for introduction and in game sfx - Chris Burns Richard Murfin Story By - Chris Murfin Playtesting By - Chris Burns c2p Routines By - Peter McGavin & Iain Barclay Published by Guildhall Leisure CD Compiled by Vince Pike (Epic Marketing) Distributed by Epic Marketing About Gareth Murfin This is Gareth Murfins first commercial game, although he has produced lots of other software under the name of Alpha Software. All of this is freely available from the Alpha Software website which is also linked to the official Gloom 3 website. Gareth can also be found on IRC under the nick 'Gaz'. You are likely to find him in #AmIRC on GalaxyNet. What he doesn't know about Amigas could be written on the back of a very small postage stamp with a very big pen. Expect more software from Gareth Murfin soon..... If you have any queries or comments about Gloom 3 Ze contact Gareth Murfin via :- eMail - URL -